Migration to Adobe Commerce

One examples is CPD where advertisers pay a fixed cost for publishing an ad for a day irrespective of impressions served or clicks. If you’re looking for a website designer to build you an an online eCommerce shop or a bespoke online booking solution, the you have come to the right place. At Springer Marketing […]

Executive protection has gone digital

The EP Manager will also oversee one or more seats in the organization’s security operations center. It is here that intelligence – including that provided by EPAs, PIAs and CTAs – together with surveillance input from IoT and other sources will enable better command and control decisions. The EP Manager will work more closely with […]

SRA3 Size in CM

SRA stands for “supplementary raw format A” and is of a slightly larger size. For example, the standard measurements for A3 paper are 297mm x 420mm, whereas sra3 paper measurements are 320mm x 450mm. This sustainable paper with a very low environmental impact is uncoated and has a white colour. The white colour is obtained […]