Disney Movies

This Toy Story spin-off follows the adventures of the real Buzz Lightyear (Chris Evans), the fictional character who inspired the beloved motion determine from that franchise. With the assistance of his cat Sox (Peter Sohn), Buzz must rescue a crew stranded on an odd planet dominated by hostile robots. This is a pretty standard Pixar […]

JTBC NOW Apps on Google Play

While Netflix’s Korean movie selection isn’t as deep as other streaming services, there are enough on the platform to keep your watch list stacked. Streaming K-dramas on Rakuten Viki — better known as Viki — is like hitting the mother lode. The streaming service specializes in content from Asia with a dedicated section for Korean […]

Watch TV Shows Online

It’s important that you read about all of the different ways to watch TV shows online before you decide on which option is best for you. Online subscriptions, such as those offered by cable and satellite providers, are great for people who want to watch a variety of programs on their computers and laptops. If […]